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The Ho West District Assembly held its First Ordinary Meeting of the First Session of the Fourth Assembly on Friday, 28th June 2024.

In his opening address, the Presiding Member (PM), Hon. Adamu Kasim Osman, welcomed all to the meeting and expressed his gratitude to the Hon. Assembly Members and staff for their tireless efforts and dedication in serving the district and electoral areas. He urged all to work together to build on the achievements and address the district’s challenges.

The house nominated Hon. Rita Azameti, Government Appointee, and Hon. Gertrude Adzo Borklo, Assembly Member for Fume-Biakpa E/A, to serve as members of the Executive Committee (EXECO) of the Assembly.

The house further nominated five (5) Honourable Assembly Members to serve as members of the Public Relations and Complaints Committee (PRCC) as stipulated in the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936). They include Hon. Martin Champion Joe Dei, Assembly Member for Anfoeta-Tsyome E/A; Hon. Robert Elikem Ameh, Assembly Member for Amedzofe E/A; Hon. Mabel Asempapa Afari, Government Appointee; Hon. Constance Kwame Agbedienu, Assembly Member for Avenui E/A; and Hon. Divine Komla Tutu, Assembly Member for Kpale-Etordome E/A. This Committee is crucial in educating and addressing public concerns, providing feedback, and enhancing the Assembly’s engagement with the citizenry.

The District Chief Executive, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau in his sessional address delivered the EXECO Report and the state of the district. The address covered various areas including education, health, agriculture, environment and sanitation, infrastructure, finance, security among others.

On infrastructure development, the DCE informed the house that the Assembly would receive heavy-duty equipment to tackle the district’s road infrastructure gaps. He added that non-performing projects had been identified for re-award.

Hon. Apau disclosed that 17,000 coconut seedlings were distributed to farmers, associations, groups, traditional authorities, and Assembly Members to promote agriculture and in the district.

To expand access and ensure quality delivery in education, Hon. Apau stated that a 6-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities was handed over at Abutia Teti. An ongoing construction of 6-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities at Dodome Dogblome and an ICT center at Kpedze to improve access to teaching and learning.

With regard to Health Sector, Hon. Apau noted that the construction of the district hospital is about 38% completion level and expected to be finished soon. He also mentioned that the Tsyome Afedo health facility has been completed and would be handed over for use.

He emphasized that, as part of the Assembly’s efforts to improve the water situation in the district, a total of 10 boreholes were provided to communities and institutions in the first quarter of the year. He highlighted that Anyirawase, Kpale Xorse and Saviefe Agorkpo have started using water from the Spanish Debt Swap Water project.

Addressing the increase in socio-cultural vices in the district, Hon. Apau revealed a rise in drug use, incest, and other teenage sexual-related issues. He called on Hon. Assembly Members to support community sensitization on the dangers of these vices. He also urged them to support security agencies in fighting crimes in their electoral areas to ensure peace and tranquility in the district.

As this year is an election year, the DCE called for a peaceful environment before, during, and after the elections.

The District Coordinating Director, Mr. Wisdom Kporngor, introduced new staff members, Ing. Harrison Ahorkonu, the Head of Works, and Mr. Nii Amarh Amartey, the Head of Physical Planning, to the house.

The house was also educated by GCB Bank Limited on the services and products they render to the general public.


Information Services Department, Ho West District


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